Vocational Assessment Services

  • Vocational Testing Including:
    • aptitude
    • educational
  • Earning Capacity Assessments
  • Peer Review of other Expert Opinions
  • Job Analysis
  • Job Site Modifications
  • Job Placement Services
  • Resume Services

Expert Witness and Testimony Services

Vocational experts are used in a variety of  situations including:  personal injury, medical malpractice, workers’ compensation, divorce and other matters to determine an individual’s ability to perform gainful employment.  Our expert testimony is based on our analysis of an injured person that includes their education, skills, hobbies, physical limitations and employment histories.

Expert Witness Services include:

  • Vocational Testing and Interviewing
  • Testifying in depositions and at trial
  • Providing telephone consultation in assisting with development of a case
  • Providing one-on-one strategy planning to assist with case development

Earning Capacity Assessments/Labor Market Surveys


Job Analysis Expert Services

  • Our Job Analysis evaluations are critical to our overall Vocational Assessments. At Leslie Vocational Consulting, we conduct personal interviews, analyze the physical capacity necessary to perform job responsibilities, assess skill levels for purposes of transferable skills analysis, provide both educational and aptitude testing and support medical providers in a better understanding job requirements.
  • We consult with employers and employees involved in the performance of job duties, videotape and analyze all areas within the job description, document critical worker functions, and the work environment.

Job Development

Case Management

  • Collaborate with employer, employee, attorneys, insurance carriers, TPA’s and medical providers to assist the injured worker back into employment
  • Coordinate medical treatment, complete job analysis of potential employment, obtain equipment and modify job duties

Job Placement Services

Vocational Counseling involves brainstorming and identifying a career path and job opportunities within that career path.   These services will help the injured worker gain and improve skills that allow them to return to the labor market.

Leslie Vocational Consulting professionals can assist graduates, athletes, veterans, women re-entering the labor market,  and others affected by layoffs or other disruptions in the workforce.

Services Include:

  • Job Seeking Skills
  • Job Interviewing Skills
  • Resume Writing and Creation
  • Skills Analysis
  • Job Training Assistance

Peer Review Services

Workers’ Compensation

Our vocational testimony has been accepted throughout the region.

The Workers’ Compensation laws vary from state to state; in the State of Pennsylvania the laws will vary depending on when the injury occurred. Services are provided based on the needs of the referring party. These include:

  • Placement of the injured worker into employment either with their employer or a new employer
  • Job Development
  • Labor Market Surveys/Earning Capacity Assessments
  • Job Analysis
  • Peer Review of other Expert Opinions
  • Plaintiff and Defense